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1 41.00° 03-09-15-21-27-33-39-45-51-57-63-69-75-81-87-93 Mains. Cut to a center point.
2 44.01° 02-10-14-22-26-34-38-46-50-58-62-70-74-82-86-94 Cut to meet points on #1 facets.
3 53.97° 06-18-30-42-54-66-78-90 Cut to tips of #1 facets and to meet points of #2 facets.
G1 90.00° 06-18-30-42-54-66-78-90  


A 55.99° 06-18-30-42-54-66-78-90 Establish the girdle thickness.
B 36.00° 96-12-24-36-48-60-72-84 Mains. Cut to the girdle.
C 20.69° 06-18-30-42-54-66-78-90 Cut to tips of A facets.
D 12.44° 96-12-24-36-48-60-72-84 Cut to tips of B facets & to centerpoint.