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G1 90.00° 96-05-11-16-21-27-32-37-43-48-53-59-64-69-75-80-85-91 Or continuous girdle
P1 44.00° 96-11-21-32-43-53-64-75-85 Cut to TCP
P2 40.00° 07-09-23-25-39-41-55-57-71-73-87-89 Cut to PCP in two groups, (07-25-39-57-71-89) and (09-23-41-55-73-87)


C1 20.00° 05-11-21-27-37-43-53-59-69-75-85-91 Set girdle thickness
C2 21.16° 96-32-64 Level girdle
C3 19.14° 06-26-38-58-70-90 Main
C4 16.60° 16-48-80 Main
T 0.00° Table