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1 40.47° 03-09-15-21-27-33-39-45-51-57-63-69-75-81-87-93 Cut to centerpoint
g 90.00° 03-09-15-21-27-33-39-45-51-57-63-69-75-81-87-93 Size Stone
2 38.50° 96-14-27-41-55-69-82 Meet 1, g, index 96*


a 43.63° 03-09-15-21-27-33-39-45-51-57-63-69-75-81-87-93 Level girdle
b 38.50° 05-16-27-37-48-59-69-80-91 Meet a, g, index 48*
c 26.83° 96-14-28-41-55-69-83 Meet b, a, index 14*
d 13.57° 16-48-80 Met c, b, index 48*
T 0.00° Table Meet d, c at index 28