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1 42.00° 96-06-12-18-24-30-36-42-48-54-60-66-72-78-84-90 Cut to centerpoint
g 90.00° 96-06-12-18-24-30-36-42-48-54-60-66-72-78-84-90 Size stone
2 40.40° 09-21-27-39-57-69-75-87 Meet 1, g


a 35.00° 96-06-12-18-24-30-36-42-48-54-60-66-72-78-84-90 Cut to centerpoint
b 12.00° 96-04-08-12-16-20-24-28-32-36-40-44-48-52-56-60-64-68-72-76-80-84-88-92 Determine wingspan. Polish all crown facets
c 14.50° 35-61 Meet b, a. Leave remaining facets frosted
d 14.50° 40-56 Meet b, c
e 14.50° 43-53 Meet b, d
f 14.50° 48 Cut by eye
h 14.50° 26-70 Meet b, c, a
i 14.50° 23-73 Meet b, h
n 14.50° 13-16-19-77-80-83 Meet b, i
o 14.50° 08-88 Meet b, n
p 13.30° 01-95 Meet b, o
r 13.30° 18-78 Meet b, i, k